How do I resume my police check?

You can resume your check at any time. Please note that you can’t resume your check if your police check results have been returned, you have submitted your police check application or your application is under manual review. You can follow the steps below to resume your police check application.

Step 1: Visit and at the top of the site, click on “Resume Existing Check”.

Step 2: Input your Check ID, which is a 7 or 8 digit number starting with or ’9’ or '1" this can be found in any of our past email correspondences. You will also need to insert your last name, mobile number and email address you used for the application. 

Step 3: You will need to check your text messages or email inbox for your verification code and input that code, then press “Confirm Code”.

If you’re still encountering difficulties resuming your police check, you can ask on live chat or email us at for a resume link to be sent to your phone or email address which will allow you to resume your application. 

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